You’re so

And smart. And funny.

It’s true—and now we can say another great thing about you: You’re about to get the best fiber Internet service in town. We appreciate your business and look forward to proving that we’re the Internet service provider you’re actually going to love.

What’s next?

  • We’ll text you within a few minutes with your connection information. You connect to the Wi-Fi and say “Oh wow, I’m online!”

  • You’ll receive an email verifying your service with a link to our customer site. There you can see your service, review billing information, and get support.

  • Yep, it’s really that easy. We didn’t really need a #3. Aren’t you glad you went Haywire?

We don’t play games. But you should.

We play a little game around the office called “who can turn up a new customer’s Internet the fastest”. So go ahead, see if you can get a “Tetris” (that’s removing 4 lines at once) before we send over your connection deets.

Cut The Cord

Get the scissors—it’s cord cuttin’ time.

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